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Ready for better quality dates?  

Are you a single boss babe who's juggling a career/business, workout schedule, brunch with the besties, and trying to squeeze in dating because deep down you really want to find your person & settle down?  

So naturally, you put yourself out there, you're on the dating apps, swiping in between meetings, going to singles mixers, and even asking your friends to set you up.

And then...let me know if you can relate to this:

You spend all of this energy texting cute guy that likes to hike back and forth for weeks and he never asks you out. He's perfectly content with a texting situationship and now you're so over the apps.

Or what about when you're supposed to go on a date with a guy that your friend's colleague set you up with, and the guy still hasn't confirmed a place and you're supposed to meet him in 3 hours. "Why can't he just have his shit together and text me already" you ask yourself.

This is all happening while you still have to go run the world, drink your protein shake, and call your mom.

At this point, you're seriously questioning whether you're going to EVER meet someone and if there's a decent, normal dude out there.

I promise you, there are normal dudes out there AND you're meant to have the life & relationship you deeply desire.

The problem isn't that you're too much, you're too successful, or too needy.

The problem is your ability to attract quality dates.

Quality dates = quality men that have the capacity and capability to be in a healthy relationship.

This is why I've created Courageous in Love. CIL will triple the number of quality dates that you go on and set you up to create your own happily ever after.

Attract Quality Dates Today



“I'm not good enough and that's why I'm single."

“Maybe if I was prettier or lost some weight, I could finally get a guy to choose me." 

“My parent's relationship was so fucked up so of course my love life is doomed."

“I'll never find a great guy, maybe I'm just being too picky and need to settle down.”

"I'm an emotional mess, I'm a bit quirky, nobody is going to want to deal with my anxiety or health problems."

"Maybe it's better to just have anybody because being alone is unbearable."

"I'm way too old to put myself out there, who's going to want to date me?"

"Why am I always the one putting all this energy into the men I date and they barely show up?"

Can you relate?

If so, I have good news for you. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken. You are not too old. And you're love life is NOT doomed.



You've been unsuccessful in dating (so far) because of one (or all) of these reasons:

Mindset: Your thoughts about yourself, what you believe you deserve, and the availability of high-quality men that are interested in you.

Energetics: Your ability to shift from the boss babe masculine energy that has you successful at work TO a softer feminine energy that men are craving for in the woman they want to commit to.

Dating Skills: Fundamental dating and communication skills that cultivate attraction and desire for men but keeps you empowered on your dating journey.

Nervous System Regulation: Your ability to regulate your nervous system and manage your fight/flight/freeze response that will inevitably be triggered as past wounds resurface the more you put yourself out there.

All of these areas are 100% solvable.

Close My Skills Gap and Attract Quality Dates

“In working with Sy, I was able to set boundaries, control my thoughts, and build the foundation to have the life I truly desire. As a result, I ended up marrying the man that I wrote about in my “man belief plan” that I worked with Sy on. The “dream man” does exist! I’m excited about life and all of the things it’s been offering.”  

Payal C.

"Before working with Sy, my life was confusing. I kept reliving my breakup and trying to find an answer for everything. Now, I absolutely love myself, I do what makes ME happy and I’ve set goals that I put aside for years!⁠ I don’t question my divorce and I think it’s a blessing."

Denise B.

It’s Time To Find the Love of Your Life 

With online training, group coaching, and community support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and become the woman who's ready to let love in.




Learn how to break toxic dating patterns, heal your self-worth, and develop foundational dating skills for dating & relationship success. I'll teach you how to:

  • Deepen your self-worth, become super confident in what you bring to the table and identify the exact qualities your perfect-for-you partner has so you can finally stop settling for less than you deserve!
  • Unleash the Feminine energy within you so that you can start attracting high quality men and ditch the douchebags, the mamasboys, and dudes that can't afford rent.
  • Level up your dating skills so that you can master the art of creating desire for you, communicating with men that get them to plan dates and pursue you on a consistent basis.
  • Regulate your nervous system so that you're not an emotional mess on your dating journey and instead grounded & intentional.
  • Create a healthy and thriving committed long term relationship based on compatibility. 

It’s time to level up your skills, get better quality dates, and find your person.

Courageous in Love is a 12-month dating coaching program that will help you do just that. With interactive lessons & coaching support to help you reprogram your brain, create new dating habits, and tools to regulate your nervous system & help you heal your past, you'll learn how to become the version of the woman who has done the inner work to find her soulmate.

You deserve the love and relationship you deeply desire. You can do it, I can help.

Hear Megha's Story

I Want a Committed Relationship Too


I love love.

I believe that every woman deserves to have a life where she gets to truly have it all.

Love. Health. Wealth. Orgasms. Brunch. Naps. (and whatever else you want)

I also know that as a boss babe, it's *that* much harder to date and attract quality men.

I'm a boss babe like you, who fantasizes about world domination (Pinky & the Brain was one of my favorite cartoons growing up but so was Beauty and the Beast). I've lived a lot of life and have several certifications that qualifies me to help you with YOUR love life.

I'm a first-generation Pakistani immigrant, living in New York, who's been married twice, divorced once, have two kids, of which one is from my ex-husband, and married to an Irish Catholic husband (multi-cultural/inter-faith relationships is whole next level)

I'm a certified life & relationship coach and have a background in psychology. I use my understanding of the human mind & male attraction psychology, my passion for deepened self-worth, and practice of feminine energy embodiment, to help high achieving, boss babe women like you, be successful in dating and find their person. 

My mission is to help you take the confusion out of dating, break your toxic dating patterns, and give you tools to connect with men as your most authentic self so that you can finally find YOUR person. 

"You were such a huge part of my healing. It was only after our work together I could allow a love like this in my life. Thank you so much for all that you did to help me understand what I was looking for. I’m truly happy, at peace and giddy."

Ash D.

“I've learned to own my self-worth. I don't accept anything less than what I deserve anymore. Asking for what I needed used to be hard, but I learned that I can do hard things and I freaking deserve it. Now I'm dating an amazing guy and even asked for a raise & promotion, which I got!”

Lindsey S.




Access to the CIL course with 50+ videos including 8 modules and bonus workbook resources.


Weekly 60 minute live group coaching calls that are scheduled in the evening (EST time zone). 


Private community for real time coaching support and sisterhood of other single women cheering you on.


All calls are recorded and available for you to re-watch at your convenience so you never miss a thing.

I'm Done Wasting the Best Years of My Life and Ready to Attract Quality Dates

"Working with Sy has made me realize that I have been doing dating wrong, not that there is anything wrong with me, but that I was operating in masculine energy. I was doing the exact things that would push high quality men away. Not only has working with her taught me that I need to relax and step into my feminine energy, but Sy has also taught me HOW to date by being in feminine energy." 

Megha S.

“My dating fears have calmed down! For the first time, I’m going out on more dates than I have in my entire life and I’m doing it with more ease than ever before. I’m learning to let go of the wrong guys more easily and make space for the right sort of guys!”

Namita C.



CIL is right for you if... 

  • You’re ready to go ALL-IN with your love life and are absolutely done with attracting unavailable partners.
  •  Desire a deeply connected relationship with a high quality masculine man that is ready to pursue you, respect you, and love you.
  • Want to learn exactly how to embody Feminine energy so that you can stop accidentally emasculating men and pushing them away.
  • You tend to miss red flags and don't know what it takes to keep men interested.
  • You're exhausted from none of your past relationships working out.
  • Desire a community of other women that are on the same exact journey as you and never have to feel alone again.
  • Work with an expert coach and get all the support, resources and coaching you need to ensure you totally transform your love life.
Teach Me How to Stop Self-Sabotaging My Love Life and


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you: 



12 monthly payments

  • Immediate access to all 8 modules
  • Access to weekly group coaching calls & call archive
  • Membership to the CIL community




Save $442

  • Immediate access to all 8 modules
  • Access to weekly group coaching calls & call archive
  • Membership to the CIL community
  • BONUS: online dating profile audit ($250 value)


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I'm Ready For Real Results in My Love Life


What Are You Waiting For?

Attracting quality dates can be so much easier thank you think. Leveling up your dating skills is how you do it.

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